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5 ways to manage an effective product launch

Written by Adam Weigand | Apr 12, 2017

Credit: Adrià Ariste Santacreu/Flickr

We live in a test-and-iterate world, where MVPs emerge and pivot, and companies roll out product updates on an ongoing basis. In introducing new software, site features, and membership programs, they need to conceive of and implement product launches that generate awareness and excitement.

Here are a few ways a product marketer within a large organization can help ensure a successful launch.

1. Focus on executing plans, not rolling out more features

If you wait until the product includes every stakeholder’s dream feature set, you’ll NEVER launch. Set deadlines, launch on time, learn, iterate, repeat.

2. Know your role, and do your job

Your action items might represent several dominoes in a string of a thousand connected launch dominoes. Put together a task tracker for yourself and the entire cross-functional team so you can see who is doing what and when it is due.

3. Overcommunicate with cross-functional leads

Keep communication lines open with all cross-functional team leads involved in the launch. NEVER make assumptions; instead seek confirmations. Set up daily scrums, or status meetings. Encourage weekly meetings and status updates. Bottom line: Make sure that everyone is on the same page, even if it takes 10 confirmation emails to make it happen.

4. Learn the ins and outs of localization

If you support teams globally, it’s critical to understand what they need and how you can give it to them. And when you need to provide marketing assets in local languages, planning is critical. Timelines should incorporate accommodating unexpected delays. If your company has a localization project manager, reach out for a quick tutorial on his or her process, and learn how you need to stay involved.

5. Stretch your capabilities (within reason)

A successful launch often requires all hands on deck. Everyone pitches in wherever they can to help launch on time. Be prepared to take on new roles and responsibilities when necessary, but don’t accept a task you can’t complete.

Ready State Director of Strategy Katherine Ogburn contributed to this column.